Thursday, October 12, 2006

NCover & NCoverExplorer Update

Thanks to a bit of help from Kiwidude I was able to use NCoverExplorer to get NCover working. It's a very cool tool that allows you to easily run NCover. It has a very nice interface that makes it easy as pie to run NCover against NUnit. Oh and it will even generate MSBuild and NAnt scripts for you. How cool is that?

So now that NCover has been added to my toolbox I'm wondering how best to integrate it into the build process. Does anyone know if you can set it up so that if you don't have say 90% code coverage the build fails? Oh well something to investigate.

Next on the list is a bit of special time with NDepend which is a code metrics tool. Should be fun.

1 comment:

kiwidude said...

Hi Shane, glad to hear you got NCover up and running.

To fail a CC.Net build due to minimum coverage reasons you can use NCoverExplorer.Console. You can just type "NCoverExplorer.Console.exe coverage.xml /f:92" for instance to fail a build if coverage is less than 92%.

I suggest you read through the NCoverExplorer blog entries on my site (1.3.3 and 1.3.4 in particular) to see some examples and find some other tricks you may not be aware of. You can of course fail builds using the NAnt/MSBuild tasks too - see their documentation for details.

Any problems or questions just post at