Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ReSharper for VB.Net (Early Access)

Well it looks like those of us who are in VB.Net land are now being let in on one of the most amazing tools available for C#

Resharper 2.5 has been released under the Early Access Program. It currently only has read-only functionality (Go to, Navigation, etc) but that alone makes for much more efficent programming.

I also recommend you download the Resharper 2.0 Default Keymap, print it out and keep it next to you.

Between this and SlickEdit Command Spy gadget mouseless programming has never been easier.


Ilya Ryzhenkov said...

Could you please elaborate on how it is going with VB.NET? It seems that VB.NET community didn't yet caught up with 2.5 EAP and we are receiveing very little feedback about VB.NET. Thanks in advance.

Shane C said...

Currently the 2.5 EAP is pretty buggy. I've had it crash pretty consistently during the day. Nothing that has affected my source code though so I just restart Visual Studio. They should be releasing build 301 soon which is suppose to resolve a few of the issues I've seen.

Beyond that the product is awesome. Even though we only have the read-only functionality it allows you to do quite a few things. The ability to list all members of a class with Ctrl+F12 and type the name (which of course filters the list) to go to one is really nice. Then there is the Go To 'Type By Name' with Ctrl+N which does the same thing but for all classes in your solution.

Right now the functionality they provide is centered around making it easy for you to move throughout your code quickly using just the keyboard. Once you get use to the key mapping you'll find yourself flying through your code without touching the mouse at all.

Unknown said...

Hi Scott,

I wanted to let you know about this. It is from one of our developers here at SlickEdit.

A new version of SlickEdit Gadgets is available that fixes some of the bugs that have been reported. Many thanks to all the people who have reported them and gave us feedback. The new version (build 77) can be downloaded at the same location:

Summary of fixes:
1. The installer now allows you to install Gadgets to directories other than the default.
2. The SLOC report now works for VB and web projects.
3. The Data Object Analyzer has been fixed when generating a handler if a class file is not open.

Please uninstall the previous version before installing the new one. All of your settings will be preserved.

Just wanted to give you a heads up and thanks for the mention.


Ilya Ryzhenkov said...

We've released build 301 yesterday. Did you have a chance to try it?

Shane C said...

It seems like Build 301 has resolved my main crashes but the first time I opened my project with 301 it went into super crash mode with non-stop crashes. I sent the first one in and then killed the dev process after that. I restarted and now everything is good.

Now if only the error messages were included when you moused over errors :)

But problems aside ReSharper 2.5 is a MUST own product for every Visual Basic developer. I can't wait for the additional functionality.